5 simple truths about colostrum to start calves rightColostrum is one of, if not the most critical thing for newborn calves. It lays the very foundation for their health and well-being throughout the remainder of their life. Through the dam, the calf takes in all the antibodies needed to fight off disease. But what if they are not able to get it from their mother?

Using a colostrum replacer or supplement can be a very confusing matter to figure out. There are many different choices to choose from, as well as different delivery styles. Ideally, every one of your new calves will get up and start nursing independently. Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world.

There are some times that you will need to provide assistance to the newborn to get them on the right foot. This assistance can come in the form of delivering a colostrum replacer. No matter if it is natural or replacer, you only have a 4-hour window for it to be effective. If you find yourself in that situation, here are five tips that can help you get the most effective use out of it.

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