Tag: minerals (Page 3 of 4)

Which salt block do I need?

which salt block do I need?Salt blocks are available to producers in a variety of different colors. This is something any trip to your local feed store can tell you. Each color represents different things about it.

The specific color of the block will tell you two things about it. The first is what kind of nutrients are present in the block. The second is what kind of use it is intended for. Such as the yellow sulfur block or the basic white salt block, there are many different options to go with.

With the different varieties out there it can be quite confusing as to which block is best for you. The one that is best for you will depend on what mineral(s) are deficient in your particular option. Also what you are wanting to accomplish will also play a factor in this decision.

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How to read a feed tag

how to read a feed tagA feed tag is a very informative but often overlooked item on a commercially produced feed. Other than looking at the Crude protein or maybe the energy content not many people really look at them. With some of the confusing numbers and such listed on them, it is understandable how that can happen.

Attached to every bag of feed is this little colored tag. With these modern times, many regional or national feed companies now provide the same information on their websites. Tags contain vital information such as the product weight, guaranteed analysis, list of ingredients. and feeding instructions. The feeding instructions tell you how best to use the product.

Now while the information on the feed tag can be overwhelming, the information is typically pretty to the point. If you have ever looked at one and felt that you needed a Ph.D. to understand fear not for I am here to help. I will be giving you a breakdown of each section and what they mean.

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3 Tips for cattle summer mineral

3 tips for summer cattle mineralWhen it comes to minerals people tend to focus only on either spring or fall. It is during these times of the year that cattle go through their highest demands. But just because that is the case it doesn’t mean that you should neglect your cows mineral needs during the rest of the year.

With summer being breeding season for most peopleĀ  making sure that your cattle are meeting their mineral requirements is important here too. Studies have shown that cattle that are deficient in minerals are less likely to breed back on time, or at all. So don’t you think it is important that their needs are met?

Summer is what you may call a “transitioning” period. Grasses during this time are starting to mature and move into their seeding stage. As they mature though their nutritional value also decreases. As I mentioned it also being breeding season your cow’s nutritional needs are increasing during this time.

So how can you make the most impact with your mineral supplementation? Here are 4 tips that you can follow:

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The Insider’s Guide to Cattle Summer Mineral

the insider's guide to cattle summer mineralWill your cattle meet their mineral requirements this summer? That is a question that producers everywhere should be asking themselves. Most usually just go with a basic all around mineral while that may work some of the time it may not meet all of their needs as they graze summer pastures.

As I have mentioned many times before different parts of the country will have different mineral contents that they provide. There have also been cases where even 2 operations in the same county will have different mineral types present in the soil. One thing to remember is that if it isn’t in the soil then it won’t be in the forages.

Insufficient mineral intake can result in performance losses with your cattle meaning less money for you. Along with this cattle not getting enough of the right kinds of minerals can also result in various clinical deficiencies. These can include things like reduced pregnancy rates, poor libido, and poor calf performance.

But just how can you tell if the mineral that you are putting out for your cattle will meet those needs. Well here are 3 things for you to consider when making that decision.

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What mineral supplement is best for cattle?

what mineral supplement is best for cattle?Using a mineral supplement is one of the most important yet overlooked parts of cattle management. Sure, we all are concerned with the amount of protein or energy they are getting but what about meeting their mineral needs?

Though the amount that cattle need is very small it can play a very important role in their overall production and their well being. Selecting a correct mineral supplement is needed for optimal growth and reproduction health.

When mineral requirements are not being met cattle do not perform as efficiently as they could. One problem here is that the signs of a deficiency may not be visible till it becomes a serious problem.

When a deficiency is present you will see things like decreased weaning weights, decreased milk production, and lack of cows being bred to name a few.

But what type of mineral supplement should I be providing you may ask. Well I may not be able to tell you exactly which one will work because I do not know your operation. I can however give you some tips to look for when trying to decide which one will work best for you.

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Which Color Salt Blocks is Best?

What color salt blocks is best?Salt blocks come in a variety of colors, as any trip to your local feed store will tell you. The specific color of the block will tell you two things about it. One of those is what kind of nutrients are contained in it. The second one is what kind of use it is intended for.

With the different varieties out there it can be quite confusing as to which block is best for you. The one that is best for you depends on what mineral(s) are deficient in your particular operation.

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Balancing a mineral program

Balancing a mineral programThough just one part, minerals are important to your cattle. The proper balance of protein, energy, and minerals is needed for your livestock to perform at their best. Putting out a lot of mineral will not do you any good if the other areas are lacking. Selecting the right mineral program is essential for the production of your cattle.

Finding the right balance is a combination of art and science. It takes knowing what your pasture is providing as well as what your animals’ needs are. It also requires some trial and error to find out what will work and what will not. Here are 4 things to consider when planning out your mineral program.

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Designing the “perfect” mineral program

Developing the "perfect" mineral programImagine an ideal scenario: just one type of mineral would solve all of your problems. You could just put it out, forget it and your cows would be at the peak of health.

Despite how good that would make you feel I hate to be the bearer of bad news put that type of scenario just doesn’t exist here in the real world. Here there is no such thing as a “perfect” mineral program.

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