how to avoid 3 common weaning problemsIt is weaning time again out on the range. This is the time of year that you as a rancher get to see the fruits of your labor. Labors such as with your breeding programs. But that does beg the question about success.

What does success or failure mean when it comes to weaning? That is a tough question to answer because different people have different answers to this. Really it is up to the individual and what their production goals are to determine what is a successful weaning.

There may be different ideas on how to wean your calves but the goal is still the same. You want to wean every calf that you have with the most minimum loss to your calf crop. In order to accomplish this you will need to get your calves started off on the right foot.

Starting your calves off right is probably one of the most important things that you can do. Doing so will ensure that calf’s life long production success. The first 30-45 days after weaning are the most stressful in that calf’s life. In order to make it as smooth as possible with their transition you will need to avoid 3 common problems.

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