Tag: ranch (Page 2 of 2)

5 tips for bull selection

5 tips for bull selectionSelecting a bull is one of the most important decisions that a cow/calf producer will make. This is because that one animal will have such a large impact on your herd’s genetics going forward.

In a single sire herd the bull will account for half of all of the genetics that will be present in your calf crop. The last 3 herd sires that you use will represent about 87% of your calf crop’s genetic make up. This will include any replacement heifers that you use as well as any potential future sires if you decide to keep them.

With the importance that the bull will play it is critical that you select the right one for your operation. Here are 5 tips that you can follow:

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Balancing a mineral program

Balancing a mineral programThough just one part, minerals are important to your cattle. The proper balance of protein, energy, and minerals is needed for your livestock to perform at their best. Putting out a lot of mineral will not do you any good if the other areas are lacking. Selecting the right mineral program is essential for the production of your cattle.

Finding the right balance is a combination of art and science. It takes knowing what your pasture is providing as well as what your animals’ needs are. It also requires some trial and error to find out what will work and what will not. Here are 4 things to consider when planning out your mineral program.

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Controlling pasture mesquite

Controlling pasture mesquiteThe mesquite tree is one of the toughest and most invasive species of brush there is. It has come to populate several million acres in Texas alone. As any rancher will tell you, if left unchecked it will quickly take over a pasture. Though it is a bit of a nuisance, it does have some value to both livestock and wildlife. Here are some ways that you can use to control the mesquite that is in your pasture.

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Controlling pasture cedar

Controlling pasture cedarCedars are a very aggressive and destructive woody plant here in Texas. They are known to take over a pasture quickly. Along with taking forage space they are a very thirsty plant. A large infestation of cedars will completely suck dry a spring or other pasture water source.

Getting control of any cedars in your pasture is achievable. Much like with mesquite it is not something that will occur after just one application. Here are some things to consider if you are looking to take back your grazing pastures from cedars.

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4 tips for effective pasture weed control

4 tips for effective pasture weed controlWell spring has arrived here in Texas, the temperature has gotten warmer and the grass has begun to turn green as well as grow. Along with this one typical problem has also started growing with them: WEEDS.

Weeds can reduce both the quantity and the quality of the forages that you have. They also reduce the nutrients available that your cows can eat. With this in mind now is the time to begin planning on controlling them.

A study done by Dr. Steve Livingston an Agronomist with the Texas AgriLife extension service for every pound of weeds/acre that is eliminated there is 2 to 7 pounds of grass that is produced. Here are some tips on how to get the most use out of your herbicide.

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How much water do I need?

How much water do I need?If you were to ask any producer about which nutrients they are concerned with chances are they would tell you protein, energy, and minerals. Now while these are important there is another that is just as important: water. Ensuring that cattle have an adequate amount of clean water is necessary for them to function.

Water is an essential part of life. A certain amount of water is needed for growth, fetal development, lactation, and overall production.

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4 Tips for a new ranch

4 tips for new ranchersA beef cattle ranch can be a viable option for people that own a small amount of land. With their rumen cows are able to make use of areas that are only suitable for forage production. However it does come with it’s own challenges as well.

One of those is how someone can get started with raising cattle. With the price of land ever increasing and the volatility of the market it can be extremely difficult to make any money doing it. Notice I said very difficult but not impossible.

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