Boost pasture production during fall The temperatures are getting cooler is a good time to evaluate your pastures to get them ready for winter and plan ahead for spring. Taking the necessary steps now will ensure they survive the winter as well as get a good head start for spring. Here are 3 things you can put on a checklist:

Weed Control

Fall is an excellent time to spray for either annual or perennial weeds such as thistles. It is during this time they are transferring nutrients to their roots so the herbicides will be more effective. A general rule of thumb is to spray anytime between the beginning of September and the middle of October. By the first frost the plants will be in the dormant stage and won’t absorb the herbicide.

Soil Testing

If it has been more than 2 or 3 years since the last time you tested your pasture’s soil now would be a good time to do that. Soil testing will show you the soil’s pH levels and appropriate lime requirements. It also shows what your pasture’s fertilizer needs (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) are. Knowing what your pasture needs are will save you money by not using unnecessary fertilizer. Taking care of your soil will help it produce it’s highest possible yield.

Check your pasture

During this time go over your pasture to see if anything needs to be fixed or replaced. Check your fences and fix any broken fence posts before the ground freezes up. Look for any bare spots you may have in the pasture and reseed them if necessary. You will want to make sure that the forages are at least 3 to 4 inches of growth as this will help with winter survival while providing a quicker spring growth. If they are close to this or shorter you may need to move your animals off this pasture.